Whether you’re looking for inspiration, or you’re interested in getting fantastic insights on the latest Customer Experience and Artificial Intelligence trends, Engati CX is the place to be. Meet our 200 luminaries who have taken these worlds by storm and have created a community like no other.
Engati CX is a community of thought leaders and Influencers in the customer experience, marketing automation, and technology space. Our experts have covered topics ranging from transforming customer experiences and digital transformation, to data, IoT, the power of people, emerging technologies, and more. A snapshot of topics that our conversations have touched on.

Here are some highlights of what they have shared with us!

1. Shep Hyken
“ Customer service is not a department. It's a philosophy. ”
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2. Arjen Van Berkum
" Automation is not something you should be scared about. It is actually a blessing. If you’re able to see that it will help us focus on human values more. They are giving us the opportunity to reinvent what it’s like being human. And if we embrace that opportunity, we will definitely see a lot of potential in the next few years and to come to grasp the real human potential. "
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3. Antonio Grasso
" Digitalization is when technology is infused into a business process. You can digitize that process, or you can create a new business model harnessing the power of digitization. "
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4. Shane Barker
“ AI is here to improve things and companies should utilize it.”
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5. Nicolas Babin
" With the use of technology, the world is becoming smaller, bots are becoming more intelligent, which has its advantages and disadvantages. "
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6. Neville Gaunt
" Leadership doesn’t mean I make all the decisions. Leadership is I’ve got a team out there, I trust every member of that team and when I’m not there everyone does it anyway they don’t wait for me to turn up that’s leadership! "
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7. Neil Cattermull
“ Read, analyze and air your opinions. The more you do that, the more people will respect you. ”
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8. Frank Eliason
" When I think of customer experience, I think of three circles intersecting- technology, process, human. And where they intersect is your customer experience. "
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9. Alex Jiménez
" To be able to ask Siri or Alexa or some bot a question a Simple question is one thing. But to be able to have a conversation and to have an interaction that really is meaningful, you do need that conversational capability. "
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10. Sarbjeet Johal
" To out-compete your competition, you have to out-educate the market. "
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11. Johannes Drooghaag
" Stop focusing on your optimal potential customer base and start focusing on your entire customer base. "
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12. Paul Colmer
" The goal is to improve the way we do things, especially in Customer Experience. "
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13. Vladimer Botsvadze
“ AI is the battleground on which the long term of business success will be decided. AI-powered Organizations are getting ahead. “
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14. Avrohom Gottheil
“ Automation is a tool that is to be leveraged in the right place and at the right time ”
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15. Roger Dooley
" Put the customer first and all other concerns second, Alter your behavior based on your customer’s behavior. "
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16. Franco Ronconi
" Chatbots for customer interactions will be a major advantage for all sorts of companies. "
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17. Glen Gilmore
" Social media, AI, 5G they’re all changing our world dramatically. They all have the ability to bring about change. Because of them, we get better connectivity, better healthcare, better sustainability. "
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18.Chuck Brooks
“ We’re in a really interesting era, where technology is really going to define who we are and what we do. I certainly think AI will be the backbone of that, along with Machine Learning. ”
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19. Carson Heady
" The employment of bots alleviates the sales and customer service teams. They're able to answer queries in real-time, which increases customer satisfaction. "
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20. Elise Quevedo
" Embrace social media. Embrace new conversational technologies. "
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21. Tyler Cohen Wood
" Conversational AI definitely helps with Customer Services. Technology will connect customers right away. It can help with customer queries, while still stimulating the need for conversation. So really, technology meets all customer needs. "
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22. Adrian Swinscoe
" To create a customer-centric culture, you’ll need to create a proper, outside-in organization. "
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23. Vikaas Sachdeva
" You cannot have a good customer experience if the customers themselves aren't willing to trust the chatbot. "
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24. Jeremy Scrivens
" Innovation is about reimagining, not simply solving problems. "
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25. Colin Shaw
" Organizations are not going to improve the customer experience and go into whatever costs are involved in doing that if it doesn’t provide a return. "
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26. Angela Maiers
“ What makes this generation so different is that we’re the first generation in the history of our world that's grown up in a time where impossible doesn't exist. ”
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27. Dr. Andreas K. Maier
“ Now we see that digital methods are accelerated dramatically. My world is exploding, it feels like a surge. ”
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28. Kevin L. Jackson
" If you just migrate without renewing or upgrading the business model, it doesn't deliver innovation nor does it address new opportunities that can be afforded by technology. "
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29. Jay McBain
" There is a new buyer that has been changing almost every industry, there is a move in market places and change in terms of how buyers transact and the use of chatbots the use of AI will be massive in terms of marketplaces and ecosystems. "
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30. Dan Gingiss
" The hardest thing to do is to look at the entire customer journey, from a macro view. "
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31. Linda Grasso
" Bots will not be a replacement for humans, rather a supporting piece to drive efficiency. "
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32. Jeff Kagan
" AI is going to take the front page and center stage. It's been hiding in the back in the past decade, but now it's coming into the light. "
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33. Adam Toporek
" In the times that we are currently living in, it is better that we focus on the customer’s emotional needs and be understanding. If you are a leader of a customer-centric organization, you can train your teams to have good listening skills and have a better understanding of their customers. "
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34. Nate Brown
" If they've got basic queries, let a bot handle it. If their doubts are of a more complicated nature, let them talk to a human agent. "
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35. Chelsea Andrew
" Conversational AI works as a much better strategy to acquire a more loyal, quality customer base. It’s a more effective tool to pinpoint potential customers. "
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36. Dinis Guarda
" Business analytics is one thing and is critical on the data side but the human part of emotional intelligence is as important, we need to find a balance between the both! "
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37. Sally Eaves
" Trust, Blockchain, and Chatbots need to go hand-in-hand. "
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38.Jeanne Bliss
" The companies that are going to come back the quickest are the ones that had a role in helping people during this time. "
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39. Bob E. Hayes
" The bottom line is, analytics teaches you how the world works, how businesses run, and what factors you have to pull to make changes happen. "
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40. Samantha Kelly
" More companies need to use conversational agents and chatbots fit into this aspect of creating valuable customer experiences. "
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41. Dion Hinchcliffe
" When you have a digital supply chain, you can foresee change coming in. Especially in situations like the pandemic. It allows us to prepare, and it also helps us market. "
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42. Gary Bizzo
" Machine Learning has come a long way. I find that it’s actually better at understanding consumer behavior. "
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43. April Rudin
" People are more comfortable with asking questions face-to-face before investing or making any transactions, which is where Conversational AI comes in. AI has the ability to incorporate behavior, and language to converse. It has the potential to fill the gap between personal relationships and technology. "
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44. Michael King
" Don’t waste your time on channels where your audience isn’t available. "
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45. Joanne Moretti
" When you have a digital supply chain, you can foresee change coming in. Especially in situations like the pandemic. It allows us to prepare, and it also helps us market. "
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46. Keith Keller
" Content Marketing is the concept of putting out information that people want to know and build trust around the idea that you are the expert. "
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47. Steve Tunstall
" Digital transformation is a slow-cooked meal. It isn’t fast food by any means and it varies from country to country. "
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48. Kate O'Neill
" Technology is a part of the solution to the problem, but we have to start from a human-centric approach. "
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49. João Bocas
" If the condition does not appear to be severe, they ask you to keep an eye on your temperature or symptoms. But, if the condition seems severe, they recommend a professional consultant. "
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50. Shailendra Kumar
" With all the technology that is coming, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. As more data we use and more technology comes into play, hackers get more tempted. Cybersecurity is becoming extremely important in such a situation. We need to protect our data and be proactive about it. "
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51. Matteo Rizzi
" Chatbots have enormous potential. "
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52. Dr. Robin Kiera
" You can do and achieve whatever you want, the technology and the knowledge of the world is out there! "
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53. Mike Kail
" Customers just want the answer. We don’t want to be on a call, on hold with bad music or dead air. It’s a bad, frustrating experience. You know, one minute on hold feels like ten minutes in normal time. "
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54. Lori H. Schwartz
" We have to remember that going forward. We need to think about how to create personalized customer experiences, not a traditional demographic. "
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55. David M. Brear
" The best reason to adopt technology is to understand consumer problems so that it can be leveraged to help in decision-making. "
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56. Luis Suarez
" There are no excuses for anyone to go back to normal. We have to use digital tools. "
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57. Dr. Pete Meyers
" The difference between data scientists and analysts is, analysts are good at solving package problems, economic problems, or market size but data science is really messy, real-world data is really messy. "
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58. Graham Clark
" It is about creating new ways of working in your organization that are customer first and digital first at the same time, along with employees first we are seeing a big rise in employee experience focus because if you can’t get the best employees to work for you to serve your customer there is nothing you can do about your customer. "
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59. Bill Mew
" We need meaningful protection but we need to balance that with innovation. And seeking to use technology to maximize economic and social value. "
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60. Doyle Buehler
" Value Creation, Experience, and Digital Delivery- get these elements right and your digital foundations will become that much stronger! "
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61. Ricardo Saltz Gulko
“ With chatbots, they can solve your problem immediately. If it's a complex query, they can pass you on to a human. This results in a much better experience. "
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62. Tim Hughes
" This is how we as sellers make sure we’re top of mind when buyers are actually looking for things. And these are the things all businesses need to do right now. "
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63. Ben Motteram
" Don't fall into the trap of waiting for something to happen before stepping up your CX game. Each day you wait is a day your customers are missing out on having an improved experience with you. "
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64. Silvana Buljan
" It's about understanding what would be the next best activity to offer as a company based on their needs and preferences. And tracking this data in real-time with technology. "
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65. Ian Moyse
" The important thing is not being on the platform, instead you want to know as a brand what your brand wants to represent as you need to look good and look consistent to your customer. "
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66. Mike Allton
" Your community is the people who are interested in your brand and who are interested in interacting with your brand about topics relating to your brand. It's not just your Facebook group. It includes the people who follow and engage with all your social media. Who listens to your podcasts. Who subscribes to your YouTube channel. "
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67. Nigel Willson
" We shouldn’t rely on automation and AI solutions so heavily. The human aspect of decision-making is critical, so the best solutions are a combination of human expertise and AI. "
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68. Shane Fogle
" From a CX side, we’re going to see a lot of uses of predictive analysis. It’s going to benefit customers. "
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69. Helen Yu
" AI is definitely here to stay. It will enhance our lives as employees, leaders, customers, and even investors. AI will not replace humans, but it will enable us to ask the right questions. This will help us innovate and stay ahead of the customer expectations. "
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70. Katie King
" 85% of customer services will be done by conversational AI and the remaining 15% gets escalated to a human agent! "
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71. Tulsee Doshi
" No matter what you work on or no matter what project you work on whether you are someone who focuses on AI ethics or responsible AI or if u work on AI at all or just technology broadly, this notion of inclusion, ethics, diversity really applies to all of the projects. "
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72. Andy Fitze
" We have to start the conversation about data, government structures, and data processing. We also have to discuss infrastructure- how we organize ourselves in corporate architecture. And general infrastructure- how can we use Cloud, especially for large corporations. It’s a huge hassle. "
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73. Cyril Coste
" If you haven’t started your digital transformation journey yet, you’re in some trouble. "
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74. Jessica Noble
" If you're trying to create better employee and customer experiences, but you don't have strong leadership and healthy culture, you're fighting an uphill battle. "
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75. Joe Pine
" The customer is the individual. A persona is not a customer. "
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76. Giuliano Liguori
" As the use of technology advances, there is above all one thing that we must not lose sight of the importance of trust, trusting technology and data. "
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77. Jakomi Matthews
" Satisfaction Gap = Level of Importance - Level of Satisfaction "
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78. Jonathan Aufray
" Don't be too salesy. You can share tips, tricks and strategies with them. Give them value. "
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79. Jeannie Walters
" If we can use AI & bots to answer questions in the right moments and in the right way, that's actually one of those micro-moments that build trust. "
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80. Andy Mura
" There are 2 keywords when it comes to digital transformation- speed and personalization. "
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81. Adriana Tica
" Chatbots are great at delivering personalized experiences. They take recommendations to a whole new level. They easily analyze customer behaviour and make great recommendations for content products and at the perfect time, They have the ability to take marketing and advertising on autopilot. "
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82. Annette Franz
" Technology is a facilitator. It’s about emotions, interactions, and experiences. We cannot throw technology to solve a people problem. It has to be used as a facilitator. "
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83. Mark Schaefer
" When we use tech to serve customers in a more human way that creates delight, engagement, connection, and inspiration. That’s when we can use technology in marketing at its best. "
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84. Muntazir Haider
" AI has changed drastically the way things are and in 5 years it will continue to change more. "
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85. Hari T. N.
" Conversational AI and chatbots serve as an excellent first point-of-contact. "
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86. R. Michael Brown
" Understand and listen to your audience and customers, the closer you can get to them the better you will be able to figure out what they want to know and once you get that information, you will be able to clear the content that can then be not randomly but with using AI target the exact content they need, when they need it. "
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87. Lee Bryant
" When we create a strong base of business capabilities, we can do the most exciting digital innovation with our customers. "
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88. Cyril Bladier
" Stop thinking about yourself and start taking care of your customers. "
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89. Tom Pick
" Your content is a demonstration of your expertise and helpfulness. At the end of the day, people need to have a familiarity with your brand. They need to know what you are and what you stand for. "
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90. Christoph Trappe
" You can show them what steps they can take to solve their problems on their own (and show them how much effort that would take). Now, they might not feel like making that effort and just go ahead and hire you to solve their problem. "
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91. Dennis Wakabayashi
" It's not just empathy for the customer, it's empathy for the employee. It's empathy for the citizens. And, it's also empathy for the stakeholders. "
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92. Howard Wolpoff
" Your website is your #1 salesperson and it has to perform like so! "
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93. Claire Boscq-Scott
" You need to create a culture of motivation, a culture of creativity, and a culture where everyone wants to deliver amazing customer experiences. "
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94. Yadu Muntha
" Every company is building robust systems with AI , but it is essential to take a break. "
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95. Chris N. West
" Some people focus on growing on a certain channel. The reality again is to expand to different channels and to explore how it all can work together. "
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96. David Meerman Scott
" There has to be a human approach to technology. Algorithms and bots need to be built from the perspective of how they're working to make a true human connection. When you deploy technology, you need to make sure that it's in the service of the humans. "
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97. Dilpreet Singh
" Data is important for each and every business irrespective of which industry you are working in but using it wisely is more important because many times the brands working towards collecting data but are missing out on collecting the dots. "
98. Sarah-Jayne Gratton
" We have always had a relationship with technology. It’s an invisible part of our lives every day because it’s everywhere. We don’t even think about it. "
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" Artificial intelligence today is nothing more than clever programming and smart technology and that’s it. So the intelligent part of anything is actually the engineer who either developed the software or the hardware. "
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100. Raul Guillermo Amigo
" You can create better experiences for your customers and create positive experiences for your customers with chatbots by saving them time, energy, and frustration in the process of resolving their issues. "
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101. Amas Tenumah
" We are trying to align with you, the customer. You are trying to get X, Y, and Z done, these are your goals. Our mission is to act in a supporting role to help you achieve these goals. "
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102. Jagmohan Singh
" Digitalization or bringing out intelligent chatbots should not only be a part of one department, one has to take a holistic and integrative approach and the entire organization is connected through these intelligent systems. "
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103. Stacy Sherman
" Customer satisfaction doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t happen automatically, so get educated! "
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104. Steven Van Belleghem
" Dare to dream about the day after tomorrow, about the future, and to dream about the perfect customer relationship. Don’t worry about the operational stuff, just look ahead, dare to dream and then reverse-engineer it back, and start building that future yourself there’s no need to wait for others to show you the way you can actually create the next phase of customer experience! "
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105. Bernie Borges
" The buyer is a modern buyer, so you need to be a modern seller! "
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106. John Andrews
" The problem with marketing in mobile environments is the constant push marketing that still exists. Many marketers still try to push in a very personal way, but on a very personal media. And it feels invasive. So it’s not a good environment to interrupt with messaging. "
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107. Nico Gramenz
" We all have to be politicians here, and it’s not like complaining that those politicians are not doing a good job instead let’s find a network where you can support those politicians and again not to be Germany, not a North American but connected. "
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108. Ardath Albee
" We tend to forget about emotion when it comes to B2B. If they’re younger people, is your content going to help them climb the career ladder? If they’re older, will your content help them leave behind a legacy? "
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109. Saul Colt
" Coming out of this pandemic, you know people are going to really need to rethink how they do everything and this is something that none of us have a playbook for none of us really know what to do so what worked a year ago may or may not work right now. "
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110. Gina Schreck
" Everybody looks at marketing as a burden, it’s so much time we have to spend time marketing and I would say what if we look at it is this is a way for us to have relationships with customers and potential customers and be so helpful that they can’t help but come closer to you. "
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111. Thea Cole
" In terms of innovation when you’re a start-up that’s the perfect time to be innovative to be brave because you’re taking a risk anyway then actually as you grow and get more established it’s harder to essentially redefine yourself but also to take risks. "
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112. Shukri G. Cornelius
" Marketing of the brand makes the promise and then it's the employee and the people who actually deliver that promise. "
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113. Daryn Mason
" We are in this environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. In this type of environment, you have to be super relevant to your audience. "
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114. Steph Nissen
" Chatbots was an important investment before the pandemic and now it’s the only investment necessary. "
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115. Antonio Santos
" In terms of IoT, I see more potential for IoT at the industrial level. "
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116. Ted Rubin
" Return on Relationship is the value that’s perceived or real, that will accrue over time. It’s about building a connection over the years through authentic interactions and engagement. "
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117. Roberta O'Keith
" Customer feedback is important to drive change. "
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118. Kami Watson Huyse
" Always use technology to enhance human touch. "
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119. Javaid Iqbal
" If your business model does not include a digital-first mindset, you don’t have a business model. You’re a dinosaur. "
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120. Alvin Foo
" All your customers, every one of them are already online, either at home working from the office or they are on with your mobile phone and if you are not digitally savvy you know to transform quickly, I think you’re gonna go out of business. "
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121. Hussein Dajani
" How does one go through and analyze the data to make sure that the solution is delivering on the business objective while catering to customer demands? What needs to be enhanced? "
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122. Richard Weylman
"Vision inspires you, and the people around you. It gives all of us will power "
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123. Smitha Hemmigae
" You have to protect your budgets and know what should be given emphasis! "
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124. Jeff Barrett
"Companies have to understand that times have changed. We have to become more flexible and adapt to the new normal, which is digital "
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125. Christine Crandell
" And now the sudden expectation from the brands is that the “hashtag be human” and it's not about the technology and it's not about the interaction neither getting them to buy, but it is about me being an individual be it a company or consumer. "
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126. Jonathan Reichental
" The role of virtual assistants and conversational bots is going to be a major part of the emergence now and in the years ahead. "
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127. Tripp Braden
" It’s not just enough to have the technology in place we have to get our people prepared for it. "
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128. Dr. Marcell Vollmer
" Staying updated on systems and processes is of utmost importance in this day and age. "
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129. Yves Mulkers
" First get your data in order and if you have that in the order you’re ready to build those AI solutions. Look at what you are trying to achieve really have a good business use case to start working on those models. Just doing it for the sake of doing artificial intelligence won’t bring that extra profitability or extra competitive advantage for companies. "
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130. Misha Hanin
" The most important piece is adopting the knowledge of what we studied and not just keeping it theoretical. If we study something and we don’t use it it’s gonna die. "
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131. Martin Hill Winstonv
" The world at large is changing, customer needs are changing and the organizations have to pivot very much and more rapidly. "
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132. Isabel De Clercq
" We should ask ourselves, how do I make an impact instead of getting things done. "
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133. Neal Schaffer
" The thought of using automation and machine learning is not something that’s scary, it’s a natural evolution of time and you know things are just getting better and better over time. Also, if your company hasn’t embraced the sort of technology you should experiment with it, do a test case scenario, and get started. "
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134. Martin Musiol
" I don’t recommend starting an AI journey without really having a problem that needs to be solved because starting to build AI just for the sake of building AI usually doesn’t go well. "
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135. Scott Schober
" We have to be willing to learn and fight back as if we all work together and battle cybercriminals as they’re always using technology to their advantage so we have to work together and we have to use technology to beat cybercriminals. "
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136. David Avrin
" The realization that if everybody’s waiting for things to get back to normal or at least the way they used to be, is not necessarily a bad thing. Not everybody’s going to survive this but a lot of companies are going to get stronger. "
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137. Dr. Swapnil Dambe
" Customer Experience is for the people. As customers are human beings, we all need to really understand the psychological, biological, and physiological aspects of human beings. "
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138. Aghiath Chbib
" Defending your parameters is extremely difficult, but AI and machine learning play a huge role in order to safeguard and ensure your business stays running, and your assets remain secure. "
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139. Ed Wiley
" If you double your customer base you can’t necessarily double the number of trained qualified support agents who can be there to provide personalized support. "
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140. Mike Flache
" Every crisis is a great opportunity for you and your business to do things differently. Disruption is a relation concept. It’s an ongoing process, not a static thing. It’s not ‘one and done’. "
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141. Tina Gravel
" Right now there aren’t enough cybersecurity experts and since women are 50% of the population, I urge you all women to consider getting trained in cybersecurity because there are jobs that aren’t going filled and we need that diversity in this market um to make things better and to and to catch the bad guys. "
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142. Ravi Prasad
" We have to think of 5G not as an extension of 4G but in the era as an enabler of a whole new way of living and working so there needs to be a change in mindset about 5G. "
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143. Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka
" NLP and machine learning programs have written books and articles just by taking the title of the newspaper headline and can produce the entire article. "
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144. Frans Reichardt
" I will advise any company, especially companies with a high number of customer contacts to really look at how technology can help improve the Customer Experience. "
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145. Ron Kaufman
" If we say that ‘service’ is taking action to create value for someone you care about, then what do you call the action that is not valued by the person you care about it, could be a colleague it could be a customer it could even be for self-service what do we call that action that is not valued? That’s called waste! "
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146. Robert Linsdell
" Because the cloud is everywhere, that's a lot of edge applications and a lot of interactions that will be happening between us, the customer experience, and the enterprises that are creating these applications. "
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147. Gokul Alex
" Our skills in building better haptic systems, better-augmented reality, virtual reality systems, and 3D printers at home are going to be necessary the pathway to digital evolution. "
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148. Steve Towers
" What is innovated innovation? It's a way of stripping away all the noise, all the complexity, looking at the bare bones of an experience or process and by innovating around that, you transform everything else. "
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149. Ann Dunkin
" I would really encourage these young graduates to look for the opportunity to take the leap into the unknown because everything’s changing and that’s where the opportunities are going to be! "
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150. Doug Laney
" We don’t know the value that data is generating or the potential value of data and therefore we’re not managing well because we’re not managing it as well as we can, we’re not monetizing it well so this is kind of a vicious cycle for organizations. "
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151. Sue Duris
" Companies are saying “oh well other companies doing it then I guess I need to be empathic too” and then when we’re out of this pandemic you know that’s done. Those are the companies that are going to have problems! "
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152. Luke Jamieson
" Gamification is a great vehicle that recognizes motivational diversity. "
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153. Christopher Brooks
“ Customers are the heart of your business. ”
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154. Mike Biselli
" We should always have that security top of mind and at the forefront of any technology. "
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155. Christoff J. Weihman
" It’s not just a matter of steps of service or engagement, it really starts with what I call the internal components. These internal components to me are things like having the right mindset/frame of mind, the right attitude and positive energy. "
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156. Kim William Gordon
" In adaptive learning technology, we are going to replace 'the one teacher' to many students model. "
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157. Jim Barnebee
" Having the cloud power available to us has really enabled smaller companies to break into the market and use those services to optimize the routes for their deliveries. "
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158. Patrick Bangert
" You are the user of AI whether you like it or not and it's here to stay. "
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159. Siddharth Sankhe
" CX is not a process, CX is not something that you can enforce, it has to be a philosophy. More top-down and bottom-up. "
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160. M. Ali Nasim
" Digital can actually bridge that gap between the customer journey and the business process. That’s the best thing that technology can do when it comes to customer experience. "
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161. Jack Shaw
“ Adaption of new tech is not a one-step process ”
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162. Priyanka Roy
" Data culture needs to happen right from the leadership people at the top in strategic positions, they need to understand that they are the ones who can champion the cause of data they can lead the way, and once they are confident with this they can bring in a workforce of specialists and experts who know these concepts and can make the organization grow. "
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163. Rajat Chawla
" In the age of customers, speed is the critical factor. "
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164. Nikunj Nirmal
" Make sure that you are keeping yourselves updated with what’s going on keep reskilling yourselves and make sure that you are very well aware of all the newer technologies. "
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165. Gert Botha
" IoT on the other hand actually exposed can expose a lot more about people, the same is with AI can be used to collect and combine data. "
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166. Robert Scoble
" Computing is getting closer and closer to the human mind and therefore we’re getting close to studying human thought and studying human behaviour and then being able to control human behaviour with technology. All technology has a good and a bad side. "
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167. Wissam Al Adany
" I recall what Abraham Lincoln said- 'Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.'
Digital transformation is the sharpening of the axe. "
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168. Mandisa Makubalo
" You cannot just throw a digital solution in a middle of the journey that you don't have an understanding of, it has to be an in-depth understanding of this journey before you put technology in there. "
169. Fredrik Hofflander
" It's very important to not limit the question to what you think is possible but to think that anything is possible. "
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170. Brian Fanzo
" Beauty in AI is that it is going to allow us to have access to information at a faster rate in a more real-time scenario. "
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171. Tony Boobier
" We can't just carry on doing things that we've always done, we have to be prepared to change with changing landscape. "
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172. Carsten Ley
" Don't be afraid of customer experience, customer experience is actually very simple. You can start with what you really have. "
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173. Namrata Jolly
" Collaboration- I think collaboration in today's world is the name of the game. "
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174. Kamales Lardi
" Look at digital transformation not as a technology solution or not as a channel to market, but look at it as an end-to-end business transformation. "
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175. Chip Bell
" Being in business just to make a profit is kind of like the saying, the purpose of life is to eat. "
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176. Jim Tincher
" Every journey mapping in fact every customer experience initiative should also be a culture initiative. "
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177. Denise Yohn
" Customer experience is realizing it's not just adapting in-person to online but taking advantage of everything digital boards use. "
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178. Ajay Nambiar
" The problem with all of us on this journey to ape with new technology is we forget the base. "
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179. Nadia Vincent
" Innovation is not part of one sector, one organization, innovation is how and what you are doing today in a better way. "
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180. Rashim Mogha
" Businesses have to realize it is not just about the technology, it is digital transformation. "
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181. Bill Genovese
" Those companies that can bridge back-end course systems, legacy systems, business systems are not only going to survive but they are going to thrive. "

182. Jabari Butler
" Remember success happens from the inside out. If we are working at being successful internally then success is going to happen externally. "
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183. Paul Rigby
" You could say, change is about fixing the past while transformation is about creating the future. You could say change makes things better and transformation makes things different. "
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184. Christian Buckley
" You may have a superior product but if you’re not able to track the patterns of behavior from the users and give them those personalized experiences back, then you’re going to lose period! "
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185. Rajet Krishnan
" If you’re wanting to build something around machine learning, try to understand what is the value of the technology. It is exciting, but the value is more exciting and that is what we should all focus on having that perspective. "
186. Lomit Patel
" As more people start using digital channels for a big part of their life, it’s going to drive even more data that companies are going to be able to acquire around these users. And the biggest superpower for any company’s growth is going to be how they use that data. The best way to do that is to really start thinking about championing AI into your company. "
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187. Colin Taylor
" You know what we need to do is we need to exceed customers’ expectations. We need to make the interactions easier, we need to make them faster and we need to make them more effective. "
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188. Hessie Jones
" Just because the digital environment is growing to the point where everything is going to coalesce, IoT is going to have this anyway, it’s going to have streaming data. We need to figure out a balance and we need to get people more aware and educated of what’s happening because unless people actually start to say ‘no’ then nothing is going to happen and that’s the reality. "
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189. Utpal Chakraborty
" RPA is going to be like hygiene tomorrow, and wherever possible people will implement it. "
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190. Michael Berns
" The Coronavirus showed us that there’s a lot more to do on the digital front for government, banking and for many other segments but it’s also shown that we as humans should focus more on sustainability. "
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191. Laura Patterson
" Training, adoption, and retention are the primary steps as you think about customer onboarding. "
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192. Prajit Datta
" The problem with the internet is that it has widened the gap between the people who have access to the internet and people who don’t have access. That’s the reason why there is a lot of stigma around fake news. But the best part with blockchain is that blockchain can remove that social inequality barrier. "
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193. Warren Whitlock
" Many people talk- ‘we want to build a relationship so we can sell’ well that’s backward! You sell them something and that’s the start of a relationship! "
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194. Richard Benjamins
" Whenever you read or hear anything about artificial intelligence about the things that it could do or is doing, don’t believe it instead try to understand what is true and what is not, what is fiction and what is an opinion. "
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195. Gordon Tredgold
" It is all about boiling things down to the basics and if you break down the basics and keep it simple you will deliver ridiculously complex projects but you’ve got to find a way to simplify, it doesn’t mean it’ll be easy, it will still be difficult but more people can understand it and if they do it then they’ll be successful. It’s as simple as that, that’s true! "
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196. Aleksandra Przegalinska
" Most businesses today are essentially platforms and they’re trying to connect one party with another party through technology. "
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197. Rodolfo Salazar
" Being connected, being interconnected, and building those relationships in time will give you actually an edge to move forward beyond your competition. "
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198. Pallav Modi
" When you want to learn AI or when you want to apply AI don’t start by looking at coding as the first thing. Try to understand what is there in the market how you can use it and that would be a lot more helpful. "
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199. Rahul Bhuman
" This is the decade of AI and we have seen that AI has got the transformational potential not only from an enterprise standpoint but also from a societal aspect. "
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200. Mark Michelson
" Understand how to interpret research data so you can then glean the insights that are actionable. Understand what kind of knowledge and/or information you know is going to affect a company’s success. "
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According to Twitter, there are more than 326 million monthly active Twitter users. On any given day, approximately 500 million tweets are sent. There’s a lot of useful information swirling around the platform. We might have missed someone that should be on this list.
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