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How to Create Whatsapp Chatbot For Free🚀 [Just 5 Steps] | Engati

Jeremy DSouza
last edited on
July 22, 2024
5-7 mins

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Automate your business at $5/day with Engati

Switch to Engati: Smarter choice for WhatsApp Campaigns 🚀

Since you have landed on this blog, I am sure you already understand the importance of engaging your customers on a channel that they are comfortable with the most.

WhatsApp has over 2 Billion active monthly users, hence where most of your customers are. 

Now, you have three questions on your mind:

  • How do you improve your customer experience on WhatsApp?
  • Can you engage customers over WhatsApp manually, or do you need a chatbot?
  • How to create WhatsApp bot?

Well, we’ve got all the answers you are looking for.

This blog is going to help you decide whether you need a WhatsApp chatbot for business, then show you exactly how to create it, and walk you through all the steps involved in deploying it on WhatsApp in just 5 minutes. Grab onto your seats. We’re getting started now!

What is a WhatsApp chatbot?

A WhatsApp chatbot is an automated software that uses Artificial Intelligence or pre-programmed rules to engage with your customers on WhatsApp.


Engati's WhatsApp Automation Software  use AI and our proprietary NLP engine to intelligently interact with your customers. You can use them to answer customer questions about your products and services, share content, drive sales, and send notifications regarding orders, payments, shipping, etc.

WhatsApp AI chatbots run over the WhatsApp Business API to intelligently engage with your customers, employees, students, and other types of users, without any need for human intervention.

Why to create your own WhatsApp bot?

If you have a very small clientele, you might be able to survive by manually responding to each message. But as your business grows, handling customer support will become harder.

However, even if you have a limited customer base, there is still one major problem with manually answering every question - the lack of speed.

Your customers will have to wait for you to get around to answering their questions. This means that more often than not, they won’t get an answer when they want it. That’s never a good idea.

If you’re into eCommerce or retail, that puts you in a more challenging position. 53% of online shoppers abandon their carts for lack of instant answers.

So, if you’re interested in having satisfied customers and protecting your carts from abandonment, you should create WhatsApp AI chatbot for your business.

How to create WhatsApp Chatbot For Business ?

Here are the steps on how to create a WhatsApp bot in 2024:

Step 1: Picking the right platform

When it comes to creating a WhatsApp bot, you’ve got two choices:  

  • to code it
  • use a powerful, no-code chatbot platform

Building it with a no-code chatbot platform like Engati's conversational ai chatbot is the wiser choice. After all, why would you make the effort to painstakingly code a chatbot when you can build your chatbot for WhatsApp visually?

We can help you get your bot up & running and start delighting your customers much faster than if you chose to code it yourself.

We have ready-to-implement chatbots for WhatsApp available for all industries & use cases - which reduces your go-to-market time.

Step 2: Pre-requisites for deploying chatbots on WhatsApp

  1. First, you need to have access to WhatsApp Business API. WhatsApp grants access to these APIs themselves through their partners.
  2. To receive WhatsApp bot API access, you’ll also need a verified Facebook Business Manager (FBM) account.
  3. You also need to register a phone number as your WhatsApp Business phone number
  4. WhatsApp will call this number up to confirm and activate it for your WhatsApp Business Account, so you need to make sure that the number can receive calls from the USA. ‍

Step 3: Setup and connect your WhatsApp Business account on Engati

In the Engati portal, navigate to the Deploy tab and select WhatsApp. Now you’d want to choose your provider from the drop-down menu. To set up your WhatsApp chatbot in the fastest way possible, choose 360Dialog as your WhatsApp provider (doing this also allows you to create WhatsApp message templates that can be used for broadcast messages directly from the Engati portal).


Choosing your WhatsApp Business API service provider


Now, to understand how to get WhatsApp AI chatbot you’re going to have to update a couple of fields:

  • Phone Number
  • API key


Step 4: Configure WhatsApp

Add your WhatsApp Business number in the phone number field.

If you're following these steps on how to create a WhatsApp chatbot right now, then quickly fill this form and we'll quickly share WhatsApp bot API key with you.


Get your WhatsApp Business API in 10 mins
Access for free


Save the changes once you've added your mobile number & the WhatsApp bot API key.



Step 5: Test your WhatsApp AI chatbot

Now that you know how to make an WhatsApp chatbot for business and you’ve entered all your details, you’re ready to test your AI WhatsApp chatbot.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’ve learned how to make your WhatsApp chatbot free. Now, the question in your mind is, ‘Can I integrate my WhatsApp bot into my website?’

Once you complete all the steps, you'll be able to access the HTML code that you can add to your website and create WhatsApp chatbot widget for free.

Along with this, you'll also get your WhatsApp QR code and Click-to-chat WhatsApp link for sharing it ahead.


whatsapp click to chat link

Now, let's take a look at some examples of chatbots built by the best of brands and how to use WhatsApp AI chatbots!

Chatbot Whatsapp Free


Examples of powerful WhatsApp bots


Larsen & Toubro

Larsen & Toubro (L&T) needed a solution to engage their workforce of 3,30,000 employees across multiple sites, answer all their queries, and receive progress updates from them.

They deployed the chatbot WhatsApp operating in English and Hindi.

It facilitates communication between employees working at their various construction sites and off-site project managers. By sending questions to the workers and collecting their responses, the bot has reduced the time spent on daily reporting.

It has even simplified the process of tracking progress across multiple projects for project managers.




Poppy’s is another major retailer and eCommerce store that opted to use a WhatsApp chatbot free with Engati Live Chat. This power-packed combination of automation and the human touch helps with lead generation as well as customer support, ensuring that customers get all their questions answered instantly, irrespective of complexity!

Their bot can pull information about all their products and share it with customers in both English and Spanish.

Since catalogs are constantly changing, training the bot manually would not make sense. Poppy’s did not want to upload FAQs about every single product manually.

That’s why they opted to use DocuSense. Our DocuSense technology uses cognitive search to parse documents and answer customer questions based on the information in them.

The result? Customers get answers to all their questions, while Poppy’s team does not need to spend time manually training their bot!



Mall of the Emirates

Mall of the Emirates uses Engati to provide customer service and run its loyalty program. They use an intelligent chatbot for WhatsApp, along with Live Chat, to give their patrons a fantastic experience.

Their bot uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to pull details from receipts uploaded by guests. So, all they need to do is send their receipts to the bot, and their loyalty points are automatically allocated without human intervention.



Top brands using Engati's WhatsApp chatbot

  1. Kolkata Municipal Corporation
  2. iMile
  3. Dubai Properties - WhatsApp
  4. Dubai Asset Management, (WhatsApp)
  5. GMR Aerocity Website & WhatsApp
  6. Danube Properties - WhatsApp
  7. Tokio Marine Life Insurance - WhatsApp
  8. Hakoba - WhatsApp
  9. Blaupunkt Audio - WhatsApp





What are the prerequisites for creating a chatbot on WhatsApp?

To deploy a WhatsApp chatbot, all you need is:
1. Verified business on Facebook
2. Registered WhatsApp business phone number
3. Official WhatsApp Business API (which Engati helps you get)



What are WhatsApp message templates?

The message templates make it possible for you to announce your promotional campaigns to your customers over WhatsApp, allowing you to drive more conversions, earn more revenue, and gain more value from your chatbot on WhatsApp.



How do I send broadcasts over a WhatsApp chatbot?

You can use broadcasts to send plain text messages, messages with options, and even take users through paths. We even allow you to schedule your broadcasts and target them to specific segments of your users. To broadcast messages on WhatsApp outside the 24-hour window, you will need to use a template message.

All you have to do is set the templates up directly in the conversation flow while building your WhatsApp AI chatbot by making use of the Template Message node.



How do I get access to WhatsApp Business API?

WhatsApp distributes its business APIs through its partners. When you create WhatsApp chatbot free on our platform, Engati will help you get access to the WhatsApp API. You can also get your WhatsApp AI number verified in 24 hours.



What is the cost of WhatsApp chatbot?

WhatsApp Marketing is thriving and you must leverage the power of reaching out to your customers via WhatsApp. So, while it is not free to deploy your WhatsApp AI chatbot, through our partnerships with WhatsApp API providers, we can help you do that at a competitive price.



How do you segment broadcast lists on your WhatsApp AI chatbot?

You can segment your existing user lists on the basis of user attributes, but there is an even easier way for you to do that. It is possible for you to set up your WhatsApp chat bot to automatically subscribe your chatbot users to broadcast campaigns on the basis of the actions that they take while interacting with the template messages from your chatbot.

In addition to that, you can also choose to upload a list of users with a certain attribute and send your WhatsApp broadcast campaigns to them.

This allows you to target your users with broadcast messages that actually appeal to their interests, rather than annoying them with irrelevant announcements.



How do WhatsApp chatbots help with omnichannel support?

WhatsApp business chatbot plays an important role in an effective omnichannel support strategy because over 2 billion people around the world use WhatsApp. These users open the app an average of 23 to 25 times a day.

Chatbot WhatsApp plays into your broader omnichannel support strategy because your Conversational AI chatbot can also be deployed on Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, and 10 other messaging channels.

All your conversations across these channels can be managed in a OneView inbox, allowing your agents to always have context about past conversations on all channels. This means that your customers can continue conversations where they left off when they switch channels, making the experience truly omnichannel. The whole intent is to replicate human conversations.



What is WhatsApp Business API?

The WhatsApp Business API is used by medium & large businesses to scale up their customer engagements on WhatsApp with interactive buttons, broadcasts, templates, and other special features that are not available with WhatsApp Business App.

It is used the most by large businesses that have a lot of customers and a business suite that integrates with their other systems, software, and data.



How to get WhatsApp AI?

Your AI chatbot can be easily deployed on WhatsApp, including the features of GPT. Once your chatbot is trained on our GPT model using your website or product documents, you can easily learn how to get WhatsApp AI for your business and now you can generate GPT-based responses to your customer queries.



How to chat with ai on WhatsApp

Your AI chatbot can be deployed on WhatsApp and other channels - so your customers can interact with your AI-powered chatbot anytime.


Create your own WhatsApp chatbot for 5$ a day
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Download our ebook of 70 WhatsApp message templates used by the leading eCommerce Brands now!


Jeremy DSouza

Jeremy is a marketer at Engati with an interest in marketing psychology and consumer neuroscience. Over the last year he has interviewed many of the world's brightest CX, AI, Marketing, and Tech thought leaders for Engati CX.

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