Whatsapp Marketing

5 Ways to Send WhatsApp Messages Without Saving Contacts

Pratish Jain
last edited on
October 1, 2024
8-10 mins

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Send a message on Whatsapp without saving number

Imagine you ordered a pizza and the delivery guy is unable to find your house. He asks you to share your live location over WhatsApp. Yet another temporary contact that you will have to save, feels like a task already. Or imagine this: You are a business owner wanting to send your product details to a prospect you just had a call with. Yet another unnecessary task of saving the contact number and then waiting for WhatsApp to fetch it and then sending that message. Again an added step of saving the contact and then

No one wants to stack up their contact list with temporary contacts and these were some instances when everyone wants to send a message on WhatsApp without saving number. So, the question boils down to - “How to send a WhatsApp message without saving a person’s phone number?” 

Here, I will show you different ways of how to send a message on WhatsApp without saving a number.

1. Messaging yourself on WhatsApp

It is one of the simplest ways to send a message on WhatsApp without saving number. Here is the step by step process.

Step 1: Open your WhatsApp and click on the New Message option.

Click on new message option

Step 2: You will see your contact on the top. Open that chat.

Tap on "you"

Step 3: Type in or copy paste the number you want to send a message to. The number will appear blue in color and will be clickable.

Type number in the chat

Step 4: Click on the number which will redirect you to their WhatsApp chat screen.

Click on number to send a message on whatsapp

2. Using WhatsApp click-to-chat feature

WhatsApp Click to Chat feature is one of the ways of how to send WhatsApp message without saving number. WhatsApp click to chat feature is basically where you create a small link which directly takes you to the WhatsApp chat. Here is how you can do it:


Go to this link and generate the link: WhatsApp Link Generator


Step 1: Go to any search engine like Google. 

Step 2: In the URL section type “wa.me/ (country code followed by contact number)”.

Example: wa.me/+919876543210

Create whatsapp url

Step 3: Tap on “Continue to Chat”

Continue to chat

Step 4: If you are on your mobile it will redirect you to the chat.

WhatsApp chat screen

If you are on your desktop or laptop, it will ask whether you want to continue on WhatsApp Web or on WhatsApp (if it's downloaded in your system), you can select accordingly.

Desktop screen for WhatsApp link

3. Utilizing third-party apps

You can use third party apps to send a message on WhatsApp without saving a contact number. One of the most popular ways is to use the Truecaller WhatsApp message feature. You may have or can download Truecaller. It has an inbuilt feature where you can send a message on WhatsApp without saving a number.

Send a message on WhatsApp with Truecaller

4. Generating and using WhatsApp QR codes

Using WhatsApp QR Code can be really helpful for offline businesses. Especially if they want their customers to send them messages on WhatsApp. Usually people do not prefer to save the contact number, having a quick way for your customer so that they can send a message on WhatsApp without saving number seamlessly can be really helpful for the business. Here is how you can do it. 


Generate WhatsApp QR code directly from here: WhatsApp QR Code Generator


Step 1: Make sure you have WhatsApp Business App as it has the WhatsApp QR code feature.

Step 2: Tap on the three dots (⋮) in the top-right corner of the screen (Android) or the gear icon (⚙️) in the bottom-right corner (iOS) to open the menu.

Generating WhatsApp QR code

Step 3: Select “Business tools” from the menu.

Direction to WhatsApp Business tools

Step 4: Tap on the three dots (⋮) in the top-right corner of the screen and select “Short link” (Android) or “Short link” under “Reach more customers” (iOS). 

Generating WhatsApp Business short link

Step 5: Tap on “View QR Code” to generate the QR code. 

View WhatsApp Business QR code

Step 6: Utilize this QR code by making a small stand and taking a printout and displaying it so that people can scan it and send a message on WhatsApp without saving number.

5. Leveraging WhatsApp Business API

If you want to send messages on WhatsApp without saving number for business and looking for an answer to - “How to send bulk messages on WhatsApp without adding contact?” The WhatsApp Business API provides a robust solution. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to send bulk messages or want to integrate WhatsApp into their customer service and CRM systems.

Here’s how you can leverage the WhatsApp Business API to send messages on WhatsApp without saving numbers:

Step 1: Set up an API account with WhatsApp by directly applying to WhatsApp or via WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) like Engati.

Step 2: After the API setup is completed, do the WhatsApp CRM integration to leverage WhatsApp automation and manage your messages efficiently. 

Step 3: Creating or using pre-approved WhatsApp message templates to initial conversations.

Step 4: Using the API, you can send messages programmatically. For example, you can set up WhatsApp auto-reply for customer inquiries or notifications about order status. The API allows you to send messages directly to the recipient’s WhatsApp without saving their number in your contacts.

Step 5: Track message delivery, read receipts, and customer responses, which helps in maintaining effective communication.

👉 Recommended reads: 

Create WhatsApp Broadcast List in Just 5 Steps

WhatsApp Marketing Messages: Promotional WhatsApp Messages Tips

Additional tips

1. Using Google Assistant or Siri Shortcuts

For Google Assistant:

Just say, “Hey Google, send a WhatsApp message to [contact name]” if you’ve already interacted with that contact through Google Assistant.

For Siri Shortcuts:

Step 1: Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone and create a new shortcut.

Step 2: Set up an action for sending a WhatsApp message and specify the contact or number you want to message.

Step 3: Trigger this shortcut by saying something like “Hey Siri, send a WhatsApp message” followed by your command.

2. Finding contacts in groups:

This can be done If you’re part of a group where the contact you want to message is also a member. 

Step 1: Open that group chat.

Step 2: Tap on the group name at the top to view the list of participants.

Step 3: Locate the contact’s name and tap on it to open their profile.

Step 4: From their profile, you can start a chat directly with them without saving their number.

Wrapping up

You can use any of the above methods to send a message on WhatsApp without saving a number. If you are using it for your business, WhatsApp Business API is the best method for you. Although you can apply and do it on your own, we recommend doing it via WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) as it significantly reduces the chances of getting banned while doing WhatsApp Marketing. Make sure you adhere to the WhatsApp guidelines and Terms of Services while sending out bulk messages.

Pratish Jain

Pratish is Marketing Associate at Engati. He has worked across various industry as sales, marketing and content writer. He loves exploring the marketing world and spends his weekends by either going trekking or playing FIFA!

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