
How to use WhatsApp during BFCM?

Engati Team
last edited on
November 29, 2023
4 mins

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday are almost a month away, and just like every year, everyone will set out shopping all over the world. With the number of eCommerce stores rising, the number of customers shopping online has seen a significant rise. Especially during black Friday and cyber Monday. 

But with so many promotional campaigns and sales going around, how do you stand out?

Every business is going to market its sales and offers everywhere possible, and you should too, but what else can you do to make sure your customers see you and buy from you?

It’s simple, you market where they already are.

On WhatsApp. 

Why you should use WhatsApp for BFCM?

  1. WhatsApp is the most used social media platform with over 2 billion users and has an open rate of 98% which is higher than anything else! 
  2. Most of your customers already use WhatsApp very frequently, making your WhatsApp store a very convenient marketplace for them to shop from. 
  3. By engaging on WhatsApp, you can give your customers a more personalized experience, which online businesses usually lack.
  4. You don’t have to spend a lot on different ad campaigns to promote your deals, you can send out your campaigns directly to your customers on their phones.

How to use WhatsApp for BFCM?

WhatsApp has great accessibility. You are going to generate leads fast and convert them faster. But with more customers, you’ll have to engage more, which makes things difficult for you. WhatsApp is supposed to make it easier for you not the other way round!

How do you solve this?

It’s simple- Get WhatsApp business.

You can’t run a business on WhatsApp without WhatsApp Business

How to increase BFCM sales using WhatsApp?

WhatsApp Business App

WhatsApp Business App is the same messenger app but for businesses that are looking to level up! It’s designed keeping businesses in mind.  WhatsApp business comes in with some extra features. 

  1. Business Profile 
  2. Product Catalogue
  3. Chat Labels
  4. Advanced Search Filters
  5. Automated messaging and quick replies.

You can simply convert your WhatsApp account to a WhatsApp business account in 7 easy steps.

WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API is for larger businesses that have higher engagement rates and need a business suite and need to be integrated with a lot of different. The API itself comes in with its own set of features.

  1. Session Messages
  2. Message Templates
  3. Buttons
  4. End to End encryption
  5. Integrations

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WhatsApp Broadcast 

Broadcasting on WhatsApp is the best way you can engage with multiple customers at the same time. It allows you to send out messages to multiple customers at the same time. With WhatsApp broadcast, you can:

  1. Message up to 263 customers in one broadcast list at the same time individually.
  2. There’s privacy on a broadcast list, unlike a group.
  3. No limit on the number of broadcast lists
  4. Labeling broadcast lists.

WhatsApp Link Generator

WhatsApp Link generator will help you build WhatsApp links which you can create using your WhatApp business number to reach out to your customers easily. The links can help with: 

  1. Real-time communication
  2. Easy lead generation
  3. Hassle-free WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp Automation

Okay okay! Now I know all of this can sound a little overwhelming, but what if I tell you you can automate all of this, and not just this but also your entire lead generation process, marketing, and sales? All of this, and also enhance your customer experience at the same time. 

I’m not kidding. 

All you need to do is get a WhatsApp chatbot.

Engati’s WhatsApp Chatbot

Engati’s WhatsApp chatbot automates your entire WhatsApp store. 

1. Personalizing

Engati’s WhatsApp chatbot can take care of up to 70% of conversations. You can The chatbot replicates a salesperson and helps the customer navigate through your products according to their needs. The chatbot can take care of all the repetitive queries leaving you time to focus elsewhere. It also provides an option to integrate a live agent to solve complex queries.

2. Convenience

The shoppers will be able to go through the store catalog with the user experience closest to the e-commerce sites. The shoppers can view the products, add them to the cart, delete them from the cart and send their cart over to the business. Engati has extended the basic Whatsapp Commerce functions to include an automatic checkout link and payment link creation. This will make conversions easier and faster for the Whatsapp stores.

3. Marketing

You can automate your marketing roles by sending out promotional notifications. With the chatbot, you can segment different customers into different groups. 

4. Customer Satisfaction

Engati’s WhatsApp Chatbot helps you solve customer queries even when you aren’t there, this ensures customer satisfaction even before a sale is made.

5.Higher Conversions

Engati can track checkout abandonments and follows up with the shopper with a store-customized template message. Checkout abandonment notifications are bound to bring back the shoppers to convert them and increase sales.

This is the easiest way you can use WhatsApp for your business and make the most out of it! Also, the chatbot is very easy to build, Here’s the simple 5-step process.

Best practices while using WhatsApp during BFCM

Now that your Business on WhatsApp is in place, here’s everything you should do to optimize during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Now at this time of the year, it can get a little competitive, you need to start a little in advance for your customers to know what’s in store for them. Your customers are planning ahead, you should too!

  • Build up hype around the sale - Start talking about the sales and discounts you are going to be offering. Everybody loves discounts
  • Get registrations- Ask your customers to register for more exclusive discounts. So now you get an added list of more interested customers and you can target them separately.
  • Keep sending reminders- As you’re starting well in advance, you also need to maintain the hype throughout so that your customers are well aware of your offers.
  • Talk about return/exchange policies- It’s better to have discussed the policies beforehand as it’ll be super busy during the festive time.

You don’t want to miss out on any customers during the sale days. You should keep your customers engaged during the sale days too!

  1. Updates about the ongoing offers-  Send out notifications about the ongoing offers, everyone has different offers going on, so instead of making your customers go out of their way to check out offers, send them your offers so they can make purchases more conveniently.
  2. Updates about best-selling and fast-selling products- Create FOMO, by sharing updates about the products which are selling the most and might run out soon, to get interested customers to buy them faster.
  3. Abandoned cart updates - Customers might select a few products and might forget to check out. You can’t afford to lose customers like that. Sending out notifications reminding them about their carts is important and will lead to higher sales. 
  4. Customer support - Your customers will need help at all times, but during the sale, it’ll get very busy. WhatsApp chatbots can help you automate 70% of your queries and then you can focus your energy only on the complex ones by appointing a live agent. 

The festive season is a very busy yet very exciting time for businesses and customers. You’ll have to put in a lot of effort but it’ll be worth it! With WhatsApp, you can make it easier and make the most of the sales days.


Download our ebook of 70 WhatsApp message templates used by the leading eCommerce Brands now!

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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