
20 bulk WhatsApp marketing software compared

Engati Team
last edited on
March 28, 2024
3-6 mins

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WhatsApp Marketing Software

WhatsApp is the go-to messaging platform for most people. It’s come to the point where we’re sending 97 million messages every minute. That’s about 140 billion a day. It’s not surprising that WhatsApp is a permanent in marketers tool kit. While they struggle to get a 15% open rate on emails, WhatsApp easily generates an engagement rate of a whopping 70%

Using WhatsApp also does have certain strategic advantages in some countries. In India, for example, WhatsApp boasts a user base that’s 200 million strong. The best way to tap an audience that big is through WhatsApp marketing software.

What is a WhatsApp Marketing software?

WhatsApp Marketing software helps you engage with your customers by sending bulk messages. With WhatsApp automation you can share your product details, inform customers about promotional campaigns using text messages, images, and videos.

Why you should use WhatsApp Marketing?

Generate Sales

You can use WhatsApp to use send out personalized messages and offers to frequent users or potential customers to and thereby increase sales

Improve customer targeting

WhatsApp has an open rate of 98%, far better than emails. With this, Ensure that your product displays or promotional campaigns are reaching your customers.

Automate engagement

Using WhatsApp chatbots, you can up your marketing game by enhancing your customer engagement with conversation AI automation.



Which are the top 20 best Bulk WhatsApp Marketing softwares for the year 2023?

Here are some of the must try bulk WhatsApp Marketing software your business needs before 2024-

1. Engati

Engati is the leading WhatsApp solution provider with 1000+ WhatsApp chatbots deployed for marketing, customer support, and lead generation.

Here’s what Engati’s WhatsApp chatbots can do for you:

  • Use social commerce to showcase & sell your products directly on WhatsApp.
  • Broadcast updates & notifications to your customers
  • Automate replies to all the post-purchase queries
  • Use WhatsApp message templates to engage with your customers by sharing payment confirmations, order status, etc.
  • Run your marketing campaigns on WhatsApp using interactive buttons

    Free trial-  Yes
    Starting Price- $5/day

2. Zoko

Zoko solves your Sales, Marketing & Customer Support from a single WhatsApp number. Multiple agents can handle 1 WhatsApp number for all your customer conversations. Broadcast offers to your customers & take orders on WhatsApp.
Free trial-  N/A
Starting Price- 34.99


3. Veepar

Veepar offers an all-in-one bulk WhatsApp marketing software solution for managing your business. Their coolest feature is the WhatsApp CRM - where all your WhatsApp leads will flow directly.
Free trial-  Yes
Starting Price- 0$

4. Twilio

If you’re an enterprise, Twilio should be an option to optimize your overall customer experience.
Free trial- N/A
Starting Price- $0.05



5. DelightChat

DelightChat offers complete WhatsApp marketing software solutions along with omnichannel customer support.
Free trial- Yes
Starting Price- $29


6. SendWo

SendWo is a bulk message sending WhatsApp marketing software tool with marketing automation capabilities.
Free trial- No
Starting Price-  $40


7. Interakt

Interakt is an end-to-end bulk WhatsApp software business solution. Showcase your product catalog and run marketing campaigns at scale.
Free trial - No
Starting Price- Rs. 999/month



8. AiSensy

AiSensy Specifically used for WhatsApp marketing. Best thing is the smart auto-segregation of WhatsApp messages based on the status of the message.
Free trial-  Yes
Starting Price-  999/month


9. Galla Box

Gallabox will help you build a chatbot & deploy it on WhatsApp with limited features.
Free trial-  Yes
Starting Price- 2999/Quarterly


10. Tellephant

Tellephant provides a conversational commerce suite for your Ecommerce business. It’s specifically for Shopify businesses.
Free trial- Yes
Starting Price- $49/MONTH


11. QuickReply

Quickreply is the WhatsApp marketing & customer support app for Shopify stores.
Free trial-  N/A
Starting Price- 2500/month


12. BusinessOnBot

BusinessOnBot lets you run your marketing campaigns and sell your products directly on a bulk WhatsApp software.
Free trial- N/A
Starting Price- 6100


13. Bitespeed

Bitespeed provides WhatsApp marketing and omnichannel support for your business.
Free trial- Yes
Starting Price- $0

14. Woztell

Woztell is a conversational platform to manage all your customer communication.
Free trial- Yes
Starting Price- $0


15. Wati

Wati is a WhatsApp marketing software that simplifies customer engagement with WhatsApp solutions.
Free trial- Yes
Starting Price- 2499/month



16. WAAM- it

Waam-It is a WhatsApp marketing software that provides a WhatsApp chatbot and API integration as well.
Free trial- No
Starting Price- $737/ Annual


17. Rapbooster

RapBooster is a fully featured WhatsApp marketing software to help businesses establish efficient communication softwares.
Free trial- No
Starting Price- INR 1770/year


18. Wapp Blaster

Wappblaster is a cloud based WhatsApp bulk messages sender.
Free trial- No
Starting Price- 2800/year


19. RocketSend

RocketSend is a specialized bulk WhatsApp software a message sender and engagement tool.
Free trial- Yes
Starting Price-  $0



20. Whappext

Whappext is a marketing tool that assists businesses to send bulk WhatsApp messages.
Free trial- No
Starting Price-  $50/license

21. Engati

Engati is the leading WhatsApp solution provider with 1000+ WhatsApp chatbots deployed for marketing, customer support, and lead generation.


Here’s what Engati’s WhatsApp chatbots can do for you:

  • Use social commerce to showcase & sell your products directly on WhatsApp.
  • Broadcast updates & notifications to your customers
  • Automate replies to all the post-purchase queries
  • Use WhatsApp message templates to engage with your customers by sharing payment confirmations, order status, etc. 
  • Run your marketing campaigns on WhatsApp using interactive buttons

Free trial-  Yes
Starting Price- $5/day

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