What is market basket analysis?
Market basket analysis is a data mining technique used by retailers to increase sales by better understanding customer purchasing patterns. It involves analyzing large data sets, such as purchase history, to reveal product groupings, as well as products that are likely to be purchased together.
The adoption of market basket analysis was aided by the advent of electronic point-of-sale (POS) systems. Compared to handwritten records kept by store owners, the digital records generated by POS systems made it easier for applications to process and analyze large volumes of purchase data.
Implementation of market basket analysis requires a background in statistics and data science, as well as some algorithmic computer programming skills. For those without the needed technical skills, commercial, off-the-shelf tools exist.

How does market basket analysis work?
To carry out a market basket analysis, you’ll first need a data set of transactions. Each transaction represents a group of items or products that have been bought together and often referred to as an “itemset”. For example, one itemset might be: {pencil, paper, staples, rubber} in which case all of these items have been bought in a single transaction.
In a market basket analysis,, the transactions are analysed to identify rules of association. For example, one rule could be: {pencil, paper} => {rubber}. This means that if a customer has a transaction that contains a pencil and paper, then they are likely to be interested in also buying a rubber.
Before acting on a rule, a retailer needs to know whether there is sufficient evidence to suggest that it will result in a beneficial outcome. We therefore measure the strength of a rule by calculating the following three metrics (note other metrics are available, but these are the three most commonly used):
The percentage of transactions that contain all of the items in an itemset (e.g., pencil, paper and rubber). The higher the support the more frequently the itemset occurs. Rules with a high support are preferred since they are likely to be applicable to a large number of future transactions.
The probability that a transaction that contains the items on the left hand side of the rule (in our example, pencil and paper) also contains the item on the right hand side (a rubber). The higher the confidence, the greater the likelihood that the item on the right hand side will be purchased or, in other words, the greater the return rate you can expect for a given rule.
The probability of all of the items in a rule occurring together (otherwise known as the support) divided by the product of the probabilities of the items on the left and right hand side occurring as if there was no association between them. For example, if pencil, paper and rubber occurred together in 2.5% of all transactions, pencil and paper in 10% of transactions and rubber in 8% of transactions, then the lift would be: 0.025/(0.1*0.08) = 3.125. A lift of more than 1 suggests that the presence of pencil and paper increases the probability that a rubber will also occur in the transaction. Overall, lift summarises the strength of association between the products on the left and right hand side of the rule; the larger the lift the greater the link between the two products.
To perform a Market Basket Analysis and identify potential rules, a data mining algorithm called the ‘Apriori algorithm’ is commonly used, which works in two steps:
- Systematically identify itemsets that occur frequently in the data set with a support greater than a pre-specified threshold.
- Calculate the confidence of all possible rules given the frequent itemsets and keep only those with a confidence greater than a pre-specified threshold.
What are the applications of Market Basket Analysis?
When one hears Market Basket Analysis, one thinks of shopping carts and supermarket shoppers. It is important to realize that there are many other areas in which Market Basket Analysis can be applied. An example of Market Basket Analysis for a majority of Internet users is a list of potentially interesting products for Amazon. Amazon informs the customer that people who bought the item being purchased by them, also reviewed or bought another list of items. A list of applications of Market Basket Analysis in various industries is listed below:
In Retail, Market Basket Analysis can help determine what items are purchased together, purchased sequentially, and purchased by season. This can assist retailers to determine product placement and promotion optimization (for instance, combining product incentives). Does it make sense to sell soda and chips or soda and crackers?
In Telecommunications, where high churn rates continue to be a growing concern, Market Basket Analysis can be used to determine what services are being utilized and what packages customers are purchasing. They can use that knowledge to direct marketing efforts at customers who are more likely to follow the same path.
For instance, Telecommunications these days is also offering TV and Internet. Creating bundles for purchases can be determined from an analysis of what customers purchase, thereby giving the company an idea of how to price the bundles. This analysis might also lead to determining the capacity requirements.
In Financial (banking for instance), Market Basket Analysis can be used to analyze credit card purchases of customers to build profiles for fraud detection purposes and cross-selling opportunities.
In Insurance, Market Basket Analysis can be used to build profiles to detect medical insurance claim fraud. By building profiles of claims, you are able to then use the profiles to determine if more than 1 claim belongs to a particular claimee within a specified period of time.
In Healthcare or Medical, Market Basket Analysis can be used for comorbid conditions and symptom analysis, with which a profile of illness can be better identified. It can also be used to reveal biologically relevant associations between different genes or between environmental effects and gene expression.