Global chatbot statistics for 2023 — Exciting updates

Engati Team
last edited on
June 19, 2023
2-5 mins

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Chatbot statistics for 2022

Year after year, we analyse the global chatbot statistics. This time for the year 2022, we have observed some new, interesting data points.

A customer visits your website at an odd hour and types in a query. Chances are, businesses will not answer the query immediately. A chatbot can help get rid of this concern. It’s online and available 24 hours a day/7 days a week and every customer’s question can be addressed promptly and appropriately.

You cannot afford to lose customers who are mostly online these days. Leverage chatbots to grow your business.

The growing global popularity of chatbots

The technology is great. Chatbots have served in great ways to businesses. Moreover, you can now build your multilingual chatbot.

Imagine the amount of data businesses can collect for hyper-local markets. The data will not only help the businesses but will enable them to create a personalised experience for the customers.

Engati is making use of this to help create an experience for businesses. Further, this will help the businesses to create an experience for their customers. In the end, it is all about making customers feel special. We have in-house developers and experts who can help you build your own free chatbot.

You won't have to worry because it doesn't take much time. You can build your own business bot within 10 minutes. In fact, you don't even have to have any prior programming knowledge. The bot is available in 54 international languages. Get in touch!

Chatbots are the future of business automation! Register with Engati today and explore a whole new world of possibilities!

PS: Don't forget to checkout Live Chat!

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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