Business Transformation

Don't just Sens(y), truly engage in meaningful conversations and conversions with Engati

Engati Team
last edited on
December 27, 2023
7-8 mins

Table of contents

Automate your business at $5/day with Engati

Switch to Engati: Smarter choice for WhatsApp Campaigns 🚀
Don't just Sens(y), truly engage in meaningful conversations and conversions with Engati.

In the debate of customer engagement and support, businesses are constantly seeking reliable solutions to enhance their interactions with clients. 

Engati unquestionably takes the lead in this competitive landscape, setting itself apart as a powerful player alongside AiSensy. Both platforms provide a diverse array of features aimed at enhancing communication efficiency and elevating customer satisfaction.

Let’s conduct a thorough comparison of Engati and Interakt to help businesses make an informed decision.

Feature Comparison

Let's begin by examining the key features of both platforms in the following table:

Features Engati Interakt
 Platform •  No code platform
•  Built-in bot templates 
(around 101+)
•  Drag & Drop cloud based no code conversational builder for custom journeys (upto 
45 nodes including Data Input, Display Information, Processing nodes)
•  24*7 customer support
•  Support for creating interactive flows by text, buttons, media,etc
•  Voice Bots
•  Bot Preview (Can run the flow even if the bot is not deployed)
[They only provide WhatsApp Business API solution]
•  Easy to install and autosync product (WhatsApp sales channel and WhatsApp Business API on Shopify)

(Source: Interakt website)
One-View Inbox  •  Website, FB Messenger, Whatsapp, Instagram (Web & App), Mobile Application, Twitter, Telegram, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Line, Kik all conversation on one view for agents to engage  •  Whatsapp (Send product catalogs on WA as a part of campaigns), Shopify, Facebook lead ads, WooCommerce (backend of WooCommerce facilitates omnichannel business), WebEngage, Instagram Integration (Coming Soon)

(Source: Interakt website)
Integrations •  Salesforce
•  Gorgias
•  Google Translate
•  SMS
•  Slack
•  Google Analytics
•  Zendesk
•  Mail
•  Freshdesk
•  Google sheet
•  Google calendar
•  Shopify
•  Zapier
•  Razorpay
•  eSenseGPT
•  WooCommerce
(Customers can request for more Integrations)
•  Zoho
•  Magento
•  HubSpot
•  FB ads
•  WebEngage
•  Integromat
•  Return Prime
•  Woo Commerce
•  Instagram Integration (Coming Soon)

(Source: Interakt website)
Channel Support •  Website
•  Instagram (
Auto reply to story mentions and replies, post comments, post mentions, Ice Breakers [FAQs in the chat section], )
•  Email
•  FBMessenger (
supports Opt- in for recurring notifications, )
•  Telegram
•  Slack
•  Twitter
•  Line
•  Whatsapp (• 
Can create and send template msgs from Engati portal, • Can track account quality/usage details (only for 360 dialog), share WhatsApp marketing assets such as click to chat link, QR code to redirect and WhatsApp widget for website with a pre• configure welcome message, automated WA commerce checkout link, input custom webhook)
•  Mobile App
•  WhatsApp

(Source: Interakt website)
Language support 50+ languages including English, Spanish, German, French, Hindi, and Indonesian Bahasa
Analytics •  Channel reports
•  Response and training Analytics 
Bot engagement (Active/New users, Total interactions, Average interactions per user, Action button clicks, most frequent msgs)
Bot responses (bot interactions, total questions asked, total questions answered/unanswered)
User retention analysis 
Agent performance (Assigned Req., Resolved Req., Transferred Req., User Feedback%, First Response SLA%, Resolution SLA%, Av. First Response Time, Av. Resolution Time)
Conversation overview (Assigned Requests, Resolved Request, Transferred Request, First Response SLA%, Resolution SLA%, Av. First Response Time, Av. Resolution Time)
Broadcast & Campaigns (Last Message Time, Channel, Subscribed Users, Sent, Delivery rate, Open rate, Reply button (Click rate), Flows Executed)
•  Dedicated 
WhatsApp Analytics Dashboard
•  Total Conversations, Responded, Resolved, Wait Time for 1st Agent Response, Average Wait Time for Agent Responses, Resolution Time.
•  Agent Performance (Assigned, Responded, Total Resolved (Reassigned + Closed), Reassigned, Closed, 1st Response Time, Avg Response Time, Resolution Time)

(Source: Interakt website)
WhatsApp commerce Yes Yes

(Source: Interakt website)
Cognitive Search /
DocuSense Technology
Can upload a pdf file to the bot and with the DocuSense technology the bot will provide an appropriate response to the user query  Not available
FAQ •  Bulk upload option [FAQ file (.csv)]
•  Upload store policies
•  Train intent
•  Set Auto-Replies
•  Upload Product Collection

(Source: Interakt website)
Live Chat •  Talk to agent (multiple agent can be added)
•  Stitch conversation from multiple channels
•  Respond on the go with Mobile App
•  Extensive chat filters
•  Roles can be assigned
•  Pre built template for quick reply
•  Customizable settings (Agent work days and hours, SLA response, Team category)
•  Video Calling enablement
•  Agent routing
•  Quick responses can be set
•  Add different agent categories 
•  Add tags
•  Supports live chat only for WhatsApp with options like template messages, Catalog, Product list, Attachments, Quick Replies.
•  Shared team inbox for 360 degree customer support (WhatsApp sales channel app on Shopify)

(Source: Interakt website)
Intent recognition & NLP •  Has its own NLP (Natural Language Processing)
Esense which Handles various aspects of text
WA Account analytics •  Number status
•  Account Status
•  Account Quality
•  FBM Verification Status
•  Message Limit per day
•  Business Initiated Conversation (current & last month)
•  User Initiated Conversation (current & last month)
WA Message Template •  Can be created on the platform
•  Pre-approved template library
•  Can be created on the platform
•  Pre-configured templates

(Source: Interakt website)


 Blaupunkt Audio

How Bulbul BnB provides services with WhatsApp chatbots

Security and Compliance

Engati stands out as a robust and secure chatbot platform, prioritizing user data protection and compliance with industry standards. With features such as data encryption, stringent access controls, and multi-factor authentication, Engati ensures a secure environment for handling sensitive information. The platform undergoes regular security audits, providing a trustworthy solution for businesses. In terms of compliance, Engati excels in adhering to global regulations, including GDPR and HIPAA, demonstrating a commitment to user privacy and industry-specific standards. With a comprehensive approach to security, strong vendor assurances, and a focus on regular updates, Engati emerges as a reliable choice for organizations seeking a secure and compliant chatbot solution.

Customization and Flexibility

Engati stands out for its robust customization and flexibility. With a user-friendly no-code platform and over 101 built-in bot templates, it allows easy creation of custom journeys with up to 45 nodes. Supporting interactive flows, voice bots, and extensive integrations, Engati provides versatility in engaging users. The one-view inbox consolidates conversations from multiple channels, streamlining agent interactions. Supporting 50+ languages and incorporating cognitive search/docuSense technology, Engati is a highly flexible solution for businesses seeking tailored and adaptive chatbot capabilities.

Customer Support and Training

Engati stands out in customer support and training, offering 24/7 assistance, a user-friendly no-code platform with built-in templates, and a bot preview feature for testing. With a focus on customer success, Engati provides comprehensive training resources, ensuring users can maximize the platform's capabilities.

User Community and Forums

Engati fosters a vibrant user community through forums and discussion groups. Users can exchange ideas, share best practices, and seek advice from peers. The community-driven aspect enhances the overall user experience and provides valuable insights into different use cases.

Pricing Models in Detail

Engati offers flexible pricing plans to accommodate businesses of all sizes. Pricing is based on usage and specific features required, ensuring that businesses only pay for what they need. Engati's transparent pricing model makes it easy for users to understand costs and scale as their requirements grow.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

Engati's user interface is intuitive and user-friendly. The dashboard provides a centralized hub for managing chatbots, analyzing data, and monitoring customer interactions. The platform's commitment to a seamless user experience contributes to quick onboarding and efficient utilization of its features.


Both Engati and Interakt offer robust solutions for customer engagement, but the choice ultimately depends on the specific needs and preferences of your business. Engati's powerful AI-driven chatbots and comprehensive analytics make it an excellent choice for enterprises looking for scalability and in-depth insights. 

In conclusion, it's crucial to evaluate your business goals, budget constraints, and the unique features each platform offers before making a decision. To see which platform aligns better with your requirements, consider taking advantage of free trials and demos offered by Engati to get a hands-on experience.

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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