Business Transformation

Accelerate Business Growth with WhatsApp Innovation

Engati Team
last edited on
March 22, 2024

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Accelerate Business Growth with WhatsApp Innovation

WhatsApp Payments

WhatsApp Payments has emerged as a game-changing solution for businesses, and Engati is at the forefront of offering this innovative feature to its customers. With WhatsApp launching native UPI payments on its platform, coupled with integrated payment gateway solutions, businesses can now streamline transactions like never before.

Booming e-commerce transaction volumes and the demand for fast, secured digital payments are propelling the fintech revolution. India has been a key market for WhatsApp Pay's initial rollout, enabling businesses and individuals to make payments directly within the app. This integration has streamlined payment processes and paved the way for a more efficient and seamless transactional experience.

WhatsApp Pay allows businesses to collect payments directly within the app, eliminating the need for customers to navigate external websites or separate payment gateways. Customers can now complete their orders seamlessly without ever leaving the WhatsApp chat interface. This level of convenience is unprecedented and sets a new standard for digital payments.

The widespread adoption of WhatsApp Pay, with approximately 2.78 billion unique active users worldwide, underscores its significance in the digital payment landscape. Businesses now have a tremendous opportunity to leverage this feature to enhance their payment processes and elevate the overall customer experience.

In order to use the WhatsApp API, businesses must have a Razorpay or PayU account in order to receive payments on WhatsApp. Also, businesses will need to choose a provider and integrate it with software to fully unlock its function. By integrating WhatsApp Pay API, businesses can create a more tailored and customized payment solution. The WhatsApp Pay API empowers businesses to design their own payment flow, providing greater control and flexibility. This customization extends to personalized payment messages, real-time transaction updates, and different payment options, allowing businesses to enhance user experience and build trust with their customers.

WhatsApp Pay represents a significant advancement in digital payments, offering businesses an opportunity to revolutionize their payment processes. With Engati's support in implementing the WhatsApp Pay API, businesses can embrace this transformative feature and unlock new possibilities in customer engagement and satisfaction. WhatsApp Pay revolutionizes payment collection, providing detailed payment transaction logs directly on the platform. By minimizing the likelihood of transaction abandonment and optimizing the user experience, this feature is tailored to streamline processes and enhance overall efficiency for businesses across sectors leveraging WhatsApp for payments.

WhatsApp Flows

Elevate your business's customer engagement strategies to new heights with WhatsApp Flows, the latest Meta feature prepared to transform interactions within the WhatsApp ecosystem. Empowering businesses to seamlessly design, build, and customize structured customer interactions, WhatsApp Flows unlocks a myriad of possibilities, from simplifying reservations and appointment scheduling to facilitating real-time quotes and capturing customer feedback.

By harnessing the power of WhatsApp Flows, businesses can catapult their lead generation efforts while simultaneously enhancing customer satisfaction metrics. Gone are the days of convoluted, error-prone conversations on WhatsApp. With WhatsApp Flows, businesses can craft customized journeys without necessitating customer channel switches or tedious external website redirects.

Furthermore, the integration of WhatsApp Pay within WhatsApp Flows amplifies the convenience for customers, offering integrated payment gateway solutions directly within the app. This seamless integration ensures that customers can traverse their journey from inquiry to purchase without ever leaving the WhatsApp interface.

At Engati, we empower businesses to curate exceptional customer journeys effortlessly using WhatsApp Flows. Seamlessly integrated into the Engati platform, WhatsApp Flows enables businesses to craft customer interactions that resonate with their audience, while simultaneously increasing convenience & ease-of-use for customers.

WhatsApp Carousel Template

Step into the future of customer interaction with WhatsApp Carousel Templates, a popular message format that is redefining how businesses engage with their audience on the Engati platform. These templates, widely used in modern business communication, offer various customization options, allowing businesses to deliver product or service information tailored to each customer's preferences.

Meta's recent major announcement introduced WhatsApp Carousel Templates, enabling businesses to present a single message accompanied by up to 10 visually captivating carousel cards. Each card showcases a distinct product or service in a horizontally scrollable format, offering customers a diverse array of options to explore. With the potential to showcase up to ten products in one seamless flow, businesses can maximize customer engagement and empower decision-making.

Beyond the visually compelling cards themselves, WhatsApp Carousel Templates are composed of message bubbles that provide context, along with detailed card body text and interactive buttons. These buttons can range from call-to-action prompts, call phone numbers to quick replies, allowing customers to engage with the content in a dynamic and interactive manner. By leveraging multiple cards, businesses can craft immersive product narratives, drive lead generation, and significantly enhance conversion rates.

This innovative format not only enhances the customer experience but also offers convenience. Combined with the seamless integration of WhatsApp Pay, customers can seamlessly discover and complete their purchases within the WhatsApp interface, all powered by the Engati platform. WhatsApp Carousel Templates open up a world of possibilities for eCommerce ventures, enabling them to deliver compelling last-minute sales promotions, exclusive offers, and event announcements directly to their audience.

With WhatsApp Carousel Templates, businesses can create immersive, visually captivating experiences that resonate with their customers, driving engagement and fostering brand loyalty. Embrace the future of customer engagement with Engati's WhatsApp Carousel Templates, supported exclusively in Cloud APIs.

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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