Business Transformation


Engati Team
last edited on
May 31, 2023
2-3 mins

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You are doing it all wrong!

You must equip yourself with how to navigate this AI language model effectively. 

What are the common mistakes to avoid when conversing with ChatGPT?

(sprinkled with entertaining examples)

The Pitfall of Ambiguity: The Quest for Clarity

Imagine ChatGPT as a magical genie eager to fulfil your conversational wishes. But beware! If your queries are vague or incomplete, you might find yourself with unexpected and bewildering responses. 

For instance:

User: "Tell me a joke about bananas."

ChatGPT: "Why did the banana go to school? Because it wanted to become an astronaut and visit the moon!"

To avoid such comical mishaps, be specific in your requests, like this:

User: "Can you share a banana-related pun?"

Context: The Magic Ingredient

Think of ChatGPT as a diligent scholar eager to delve into the depths of knowledge. But without context, it can stumble in the dark like a bookworm without a lamp. 

Let's witness a context mishap:

User: "Who is the greatest basketball player?"

ChatGPT: "The greatest basketball player of all time is Michael Jordan."

Without specifying the context (e.g., the era or league), ChatGPT assumes the default. 

To avoid this, provide clear context:

User: "In the NBA, who is considered the greatest basketball player?"

Complexity: The Art of Simplification

ChatGPT possesses extraordinary cognitive abilities, but even geniuses have their limits. When faced with a Herculean task, like processing a long and intricate query, the results may resemble a Gordian knot. 

Here's an example:

User: "Can you explain the fundamental principles of quantum physics, including wave-particle duality, entanglement, and superposition, and their applications in modern technology?"

For better outcomes, break it down into manageable parts:

User: "What is wave-particle duality in quantum physics? How is it applied in modern technology?"

Pronoun Predicaments: The Miscommunication Maze

Pronouns can be treacherous trails, leading ChatGPT astray. Without clear referents, it may assume a different path altogether. 


User: "My car broke down, and I'm stranded. Can you help me?"

ChatGPT: "I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?"

Avoid this confusion by explicitly stating the referent:

User: "My car broke down, and I'm stranded. Can you provide any advice on what to do in such situations?"

The Factual Frontier: Trust but Verify

ChatGPT is a knowledge trove, but remember, it doesn't possess a crystal ball or a time machine. When seeking factual information, cross-checking with reliable sources is a wise course of action. 

Consider this:

User: "What is the current population of New York City?"

ChatGPT: "As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the population of New York City was approximately 8.8 million."

Always verify the latest figures from authoritative sources to ensure accuracy.


Now you know what not to do, to do right!

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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