Business Transformation

Click to Chat WhatsApp Ads - here's how it works

Faisal Khan
last edited on
October 18, 2023
7-8 mins

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Click to Chat WhatsApp Ads - here's how it works

What are Click to Chat WhatsApp Ads?

WhatsApp Click-to-Chat ads are a form of advertising where you can add a "Send Message" button to your ads on Facebook or Instagram that opens a conversation on WhatsApp. With Click-to-WhatsApp ads, you can invite your audience to get started with a conversation on WhatsApp. These conversations can either be completely human-led, based on the scale of the business or automated using the WhatsApp Business API or AI-enabled WhatsApp chatbots

WhatsApp Click-to-Chat ads are not really different from other ads you run on Facebook or Instagram. The only additional thing they have is a call-to-action button that triggers a WhatsApp chat window. These ads are great to push and best suited for companies involved in sharing constant data, timely updates, or multimedia sharing (QR codes, passes, tickets, tutorials, etc). 

For example, a company can share order and shipment details over WhatsApp chats and update customers with the expected delivery and contact details of the delivery person. Another great use case for WhatsApp Click-to-Chat ads is travel companies. Customers can enquire about tour packages, book tickets, make payments, and receive important documents or passes through WhatsApp chat rather than following up on emails or other means of communication. 

WhatsApp Click-to-Chat ads are a great way of lead generation and engaging customers to build long-lasting relationships. Businesses cannot send messages to customers from their end unless the user/customer opts in for the same. Click-to-WhatsApp ads open up that channel for businesses where they can engage customers. Conversations started using a WhatsApp ad include a pre-filled message and a link to the ad, both of which are editable and can be deleted. Leads may also send you a personalized message to start the conversation or put forward the query around the product or services.


What are the benefits of WhatsApp Click to Chat Ads?

WhatsApp Click to Chat Ads have a few distinct features when compared to traditional lead generation methods. 

1. Easy Integration

WhatsApp Click to Chat Ads can be easily integrated with Instagram and Facebook ads without changing the look and feel of the advertising. 

2. Hassle-free migration

Customers just need to click on the link embedded in the post and don't have to save your number on their phone before striking a conversation with your brand/business. 

3. Easy opt-in and no form filling

Customers can just tap on the link and opt-in for the WhatsApp chat messages without filling up long sign-up forms. It's a bigger advantage for businesses, as sometimes customers fill in the wrong information and it becomes tough on companies to get back to those customers. 

4. Interactive conversation

WhatsApp Business API or Chatbots can send messages with interactive buttons that can solve customer queries or prompt them to start a conversation from the given options.

Source: Shoppop

How to set up WhatsApp Click to Chat Ads?

1. Connecting WhatsApp Business Number to Facebook Page

You need to have an active WhatsApp Business account and a Facebook Page for the business to start with the Ads. Following are steps to link your WhatsApp Business number to the Facebook page. 

  1. Go to your Facebook Business Page;
  2. Click on "Settings;"
  3. Access the Page settings panel and click on "WhatsApp;"
  4. Choose a country code from the drop-down list; 
  5. Enter your WhatsApp business phone number to Continue;
  6. Enter the OTP code sent to your WhatsApp and click "Confirm."

You can also link your Instagram to the Facebook page to run WhatsApp Click to Chat ads on Instagram. 

2. Setting up Ad Campaigns in Facebook Ads Manager

You can set up WhatsApp click-to-chat ads through the Facebook ads manager. It is quite simple to set up ads on Facebook ads manager given its smooth and easy-to-use user interface. To start with, you need to follow the following steps;

A. Open Facebook Ads Manager

B. Create a New Campaign & Select the Campaign Objective as "Messages" 

C. Name your Ad Campaign

3. Choose an ad campaign budget and bid strategy

After selecting the campaign objective, you can decide the budget for the campaign. The campaign can be set on a daily or lifetime basis and can be altered at any point in time. At the same time, you can also choose from the available campaign bid strategies available with the platform like Highest volume or Bid cap.

4. Ad type and Messaging app for the Ad set

Under this step, you need to select the Ad type that you want to push. For WhatsApp Click to Chat ads, we'll select the "Click to Message" option. We can also select the platform where we want our customers to migrate and start the conversation. For the current case, we'll select WhatsApp from the list as we are setting up a WhatsApp Click to Chat ads campaign and want our users to chat with us on WhatsApp. 

5. Budget, start and end date 

You need to set the start and end date of the campaign and also set spending limit for the campaign. 

6. Choose audience and define targeting for the Ad set

This step includes choosing and defining the target audience for your ad campaign. You can either create a new audience set or select from the saved audience. You can target your audience based on their location, age bracket, gender, languages, and connections, or even define custom and lookalike audiences.

7. Placement of the Ads

Facebook ad manager gives you two options to place your ads on Instagram and Facebook feeds. Automatic placement reflects your ads on Instagram and Facebook feeds based on their AI system, and manual placement allows you to define where you want to show your ads and at what price. 

8. Choose the Ad format

You can upload a single image/video or choose multiple scrollable images/videos and select the format as per your choice and requirements. Facebook ad manager will automatically show you previews of what these ads are going to look like on the social media feed. you can easily create your ads via Facebook ad creator tools, that will be easily available over the internet

9. Optimize & preview the ad placements

I. On Facebook and Instagram, you can change the image size or video duration of specific ad placements. 

II. To increase CTR, you can also use templates to turn a collection of images into a video slideshow.

III. For your Click To WhatsApp Ad, include the primary text and headlines. You have the option of adding up to five primary text options and headlines.

IV. To prompt a user response, create actionable headlines like "Chat with us now!" or "Talk to us now!"

V. Add a description to the ad to provide more information and context.

VI. Choose a CTA button for your WhatsApp ad based on the campaign's use case. 

VII. You can choose from a number of different CTAs.

10. Create and preview the Welcome Message Template using destination preview

Advanced Preview allows you to see the ad in different placements. Each media placement will look like this.

Why use WhatsApp Click to Chat Ads?

1. Quality lead generation

Conventional advertising has a higher drop-off rate and it becomes difficult for businesses to trace back leads in case of wrong information provided at the source. Where WhatsApp Click to Chat Ads eliminates the need to fill in a contact form which lowers the drop-off rates. Users can start with the conversation right after clicking on the link without filling up long forms or personal details. 

2. Lead engagement

 Instant engagement with customers can excite and encourage them to make a buying decision as the intent is higher at the moment. Instantaneous conversations with customers prevent lead leakage and save the company's effort on advertising. You can use Engati WhatsApp chatbots to automate engagement and interactions with customers. 

3. Increase sales and retention

By recommending products and retargeting customers, WhatsApp boosts overall sales by increasing first-time sales and repeat purchases. WhatsApp provides a personalized, two-way interactive conversational experience that helps customers to build trust as they can ask a question and seek information whenever they want. 

4. Promotions, retargeting and re-engagement

Once the customer is in the loop and has opted in for WhatsApp chat messages. Companies can roll out promotional messages and also retarget users based on their queries and orders. Companies can group together customers based on certain characteristics and notify them about new products, ongoing sales, or promotional offers.

How Engati WhatsApp automation can make your Click to Chat Ads campaign a success?

You need an intelligent solution that can engage and communicate with the user coming through Click to Chat campaigns. It's manually impossible to revert each and every text and even continue with the chat consistently. Thereby, you'll need a Whatsapp chatbot that can help you manage the incoming traffic. With Engati WhatsApp automation, you can automate most of your conversations and engage customers without them leaving the platform. These  intelligent bots can represent your brand and tackle 90% of customer queries and reply to every single text while keeping the contextuality of the conversation. These chatbots can be used for automating marketing and leading campaigns as well.

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Faisal Khan

Faisal is a content marketer at Engati who also dabbles in brand management. As an MBA graduate and a spoken-word poet, he manages to marry his business acumen with an artistic flair.

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