Attribution models

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Attribution models

What are attribution models?

Attribution models are the frameworks & methodologies that are used in marketing to assign credit or value to different sources, channels, campaigns, conversions, etc.

These models basically answer this questions - "Which marketing activities influenced a customer to take a desired action?"

Attribution models provide insights into the ideal customer journey that eventually helps in efficient allocation of marketing resources.

What is the importance of attribution models in marketing?

  1. Understanding the customer journey
  2. Improving the campaign's performance
  3. Optimizing your customer's experience
  4. ROI measurement
  5. Data-driven decision making
  6. Efficient resource allocation

By understanding the importance of attribution models, marketers can drive more effective & efficient marketing campaigns.

What are the key concepts in attribution models?

1. Touchpoint

Any interaction that a customer has with the brand or their marketing campaign.

It could be a website visit, paid ads impression, social engagements, email opens & clicks, etc.

2. Conversion

The desired action or an outcome that a marketer wants a customer to take.

It could be form submission, video views, app downloads, etc.

3. Attribution window

The time period during which the touch-points are considered for attribution.

It decides how far back in the customer journey marketers look to assign credit.

What are the challenges of marketing attribution?

1. Cross-channel management

When web assets are shared across multiple websites, channels & teams and when the data passes between multiple sub-domains & the main domain.

2. Making decisions based on very small sample sizes

For websites receiving less traffic - the sample set may be biased.

3. Lack of tracking compliance

When you rely on manual data updates along with automated data updates, the attribution would always remain inaccurate or would have missing data.

4. Data privacy

GDPR, CCPA and other compliances make it difficult to capture the user journey without any breaks in between.

What are the types of attribution models?

1. First-touch attribution

This model assigns 100% credit for a conversion to the 1st touchpoint a customer encounters in their journey.

2. Last-touch attribution

This model assigns 100% credit for a conversion to the last touchpoint a customer encounters in their journey.

3. Linear attribution

This model distributes equal credit across all the touchpoints involved in the customer journey.

4. Time-decay attribution

This model gives more credit to the touchpoints that occur closer to the conversion event rather than the first touchpoint. The credit assigned to each touchpoint decays as time passes.

5. Position-based attribution

This model assigns maximum credit to the 1st & last touchpoints encountered by the customer. The remaining credit is divided among the touchpoints in between. It is also called as "U-shaped attribution".

6. Algorithmic attribution

This model employs statistical methods & complex algorithms to assign credits to different customer touchpoints.

7. Multi-touch attribution

This model considers multiple touchpoints throughout the customer journey & assigns credits proportionally.

8. W-shaped attribution

This model gives the most credit to the 1st touchpoint, last touchpoint, and mid-funnel touchpoint before a conversion.

9. Custom attribution

This model adjusts the weights of position-based interactions & gives more credit to the higher-value touchpoints & less credits to low-value touchpoints. Multiple attribution models can be combined into this model.

What are the factors to consider in choosing an attribution model?

  1. Business goals & objectives
  2. Available data & resources
  3. Customer journey complexity
  4. Attribution model flexibility
  5. Industry & channel characteristics
  6. Budget & cost considerations

What are the steps to select an attribution model?

  1. Define your objectives - optimizing marketing spend, campaign effectiveness, understanding consumer behavior, etc.
  2. Evaluate your customer journey - Gauge the complexity & the number of touchpoints involved.
  3. Review available data - Identify the sources, quality, campaigns, pages, country, city, etc.
  4. Understand attribution model types - Understand how each model assigns credit & the pros and cons associated with them.
  5. Test & experiment - Use historical data & controlled experiments to compare the outcomes of different models.
  6. Consider industry & channel characteristics - Different industries may require different attribution approaches.
  7. Involve stakeholders - Engage stakeholders such as marketing teams, data analysts, decision makers, etc. in the selection process.
  8. Monitor & iterate - Keep refining your attribution approach based on new data, market changes, etc.

What are the benefits of attribution modelling?

  1. Customer behavior insights
  2. Optimum resource allocation
  3. Focussed marketing efforts
  4. Enhanced personalization & targeting
  5. Improved campaign planning & strategy
  6. Measurement of marketing ROI
  7. Data-driven decision making
  8. Improved collboration & alignment
  9. Long-term customer value optimization
  10. Improved customer experience
  11. Influence customers earlier on their path to conversion

What are single-touch & multi-touch attribution models?

Single-touch attribution models give all the credit for the conversion to a single touchpoint in the customer journey. Some examples are First touch model, Qualified Lead Model, Lead creation model, etc.

Mutli-touch attribution focuses on assigning every touchpoint along the consumer journey with an appropriate amount of value.Some examples are Linear attribution, Time decay attribution, etc.

What are the best practices for attribution modelling?

  1. Clearly define goals & objectives
  2. Align attribution & business strategy
  3. Capture comprehensive & accurate data
  4. Implement cross-device tracking
  5. Test & validate attribution models
  6. Consider custom attribution models if required
  7. Monitor & optimize regularly
  8. Foster collaboration & communication
  9. Document & share insights

Which are the best attribution modelling tools?

  1. Hubspot
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Triple Whale
  4. Wicked reports
  5. Hockeystack
  6. Mixpanel
  7. Callrail
  8. Dreamdata
  9. Active Campaign
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