Business Transformation

From Search to Sale: Exploring the Impact of Google Business Messages on the Customer Journey

Engati Team
last edited on
February 26, 2024
2-5 mins

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From Search to Sale: Exploring the Impact of Google Business Messages on the Customer Journey

Research shows that 88% of global consumers would like to start a conversation with a brand when they have a specific product questions. Google’s Business Messages provides businesses with an opportunity to capitalize on this trend by offering fast, easy, and convenient messaging. In today’s digital age, customers expect instant access to information and assistance. 

Google’s Business Messages is revolutionizing the way customers interact with businesses. This real-time chat feature:

  • Is embedded within your Google Business Profile listing on Google Maps and Google Search and, 
  • Serves as a direct line of communication between your brand and potential customers. 

It simplifies the process for customers to connect with your business, enhancing communication, fostering trust, and ultimately improving the overall customer experience.

Streamlining Customer Communication

With Google’s Business Messages, your business becomes instantly accessible to customers to reach out to when required. With just a few clicks, users can initiate a chat directly from their Google search results or business listings on Google Maps. This streamlined communication channel eliminates the need for customers to navigate through websites or social media profiles. This seamless accessibility ensures that you're available whenever customers need assistance or have any questions.

Integration for Seamless Management

One of the key advantages of Google’s Business Messages is its seamless integration with existing messaging services through APIs. For example, platforms like Engati allow businesses to automate communication using chatbots, enabling them to efficiently manage and respond to customer inquiries. This integration not only saves time and resources but also enhances the overall customer journey by providing quick and personalized responses.

Enhancing Engagement with Rich Media

Google’s Business Messages allows businesses to share rich media such as photos and carousels during conversations with customers. This feature enables businesses to provide more visual and interactive responses, enhancing engagement and improving the overall customer experience. Whether showcasing product images or providing step-by-step guides, rich media can help businesses effectively address customer queries and provide relevant information while eliminating misunderstandings about the product or service.

Efficiency in Handling Queries

Another benefit of Google’s Business Messages is its ability to handle multiple conversations simultaneously. Businesses can maintain ongoing conversations with customers, reducing wait times and ensuring timely responses to inquiries and increasing resolutions. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for brick-and-mortar businesses, as it allows them to provide real-time assistance, including directions or parking information, to potential customers.

Tailored Solutions for Varied Needs

Google’s Business Messages offers flexibility in tailoring solutions to meet the specific needs of businesses. Whether operating multiple locations or a single store, businesses can customize bot flows for each location or deploy a unified bot flow across all outlets. This customization allows businesses to provide personalized experiences to their customers, enhancing engagement and driving conversions.

Nurturing Relationships Through Follow-ups

One of the unique features of Google’s Business Messages is its 30-day re-engagement window, which allows businesses to follow up with customers up to 30 days after an initial interaction. This window provides businesses with an opportunity to convert abandoned baskets, encourage repeat purchases, and build longer-term relationships with customers. By staying connected with customers beyond the initial interaction, businesses can foster loyalty and drive repeat business.

Key Highlights

  • Generate high-quality leads driven by customer intent.
  • Reach customers directly through Google Search and Maps.
  • Maintain ongoing conversations with customers through a 30-day re-engagement window.
  • No conversation charges imposed by Google.
  • Deploy bots across multiple locations to suit diverse use cases.

Benefits Amplified

The benefits of using Google’s Business Messages are manifold:

  • Direct and instant communication from Google Search, Maps, or listings.
  • No additional app downloads required, facilitating seamless interaction.
  • Automated flows ensure timely responses to inquiries, even outside regular business hours.
  • Robust support, discovery, and lead generation journey facilitated by bot features like buttons, carousels, and quick replies.
  • Smooth transition to live agents for detailed inquiries or complex issues.

Customer Use Cases

Google’s Business Messages finds application in various scenarios:

  • Initial Inquiry and Information Gathering: Customers can seek information about products, services, operating hours, and events.
  • General Inquiries and FAQs: Customers can obtain answers to general inquiries, frequently asked questions, or to guide customers to self-help resources or additional channels if necessary.
  • Customer Support: Businesses can address queries, issues, or feedback from customers.
  • Product Inquiries: Customers can inquire about product details, pricing, and promotions, facilitating seamless shopping experiences.

In essence, Google’s Business Messages represents a paradigm shift in customer-business interactions. It’s a powerful tool for businesses to enhance customer engagement, streamline communication, and drive sales. By leveraging this innovative platform, businesses can provide exceptional customer experiences and build lasting relationships with their audience.

In partnership with Engati, businesses can seamlessly integrate Google Business Messages (GBM) into their customer engagement strategy. With a 1-month free trial, Engati offers expert assistance in setting up GBM, ensuring a smooth transition for businesses. What's more, there's no need for additional bot building – Engati enables businesses to leverage their existing bot workflows on GBM effortlessly. The easy 30-day re-engagement window via Broadcast ensures continuous interaction with customers, while real-time engagement is made simple through Engati's One-View interface.

Join forces with Engati to unlock the full potential of Google Business Messages and take your customer engagement to new heights.

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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